Data Transceivers

While we are integrating our solution on a chipset, we continue the development of different products based on PROES protocols applied in commercial RF components from various manufacturers (i.e. STMicroelectronics, Texas Instrument, Analog Devices, etc.) which are enlisted here after.  While our transmitters meet the standards of ETSI 300 220 and are well-optimized for IoT applications, thanks to our adaptable transmission power range we can adjust to (range of some FemtoWatts up to 1W), other applications have been anticipated.

PROES IoT Gateway: Based on its innovative patented telecom solution Offers a secure, encrypted and extremely long range communication link in combination with conventional interfaces including: WiFi, LAN, USB and RS485.

PROES IP Modem Light: PROES high range RF link is optimized for the industrial applications.