Smart mining

PROES offers you, not only a 360° situational awareness by enabling you to control all mining operations in real time and respond promptly to critical events, but it also provides you with the comfort of having your mines fully and intelligently automated thanks to the combination of its AI and the predictive maintenance algorithm. PROES solution could therefore:

  • Increase accuracy and efficiency of the communication in machine-machine and man-to-machine cases. 
  • Enables remote monitoring
  • Provide Real-time and Bi-directional data management
  • Predictive maintenance which includes anomaly detection

Some of our applications in smart mining include:

  • Industrial location tracking and geo-fencing
  • monitoring machines, vehicles, environment, and workers’ safety/health using IoT sensors
  • Data connectivity from/to machinery, vehicles, staff and IoT sensors
  • Mission-critical Push-to-Talk and Push-to-Video communication Automation and innovation: Take your digital mine capabilities further.
  • New site exploration and prospecting
  • Air and water management
  • Digital twins
  • Augmented reality