Asset Tracking

For all asset-intensive businesses that rely heavily on equipment to generate revenue, good asset management is essential. 

Whether that be stock, equipment, vehicles, or infrastructure. Without it, businesses not only risk being left behind by more advanced-thinking competitors but they’ll also incur expenses that eat into profits. 

One of the most effective ways to overcome these issues is through asset tracking. It can be used for:

Some of our applications in smart mining include:

PROES helps you locate your assets, and the integrity of them during their storage or transfer thoroughly. You could also precisely anticipate the arrival time at their destination. Our technology applies to asset tracking in five main sectors 


The new means of transport in cities are entirely based on geolocation. Although the stations of public transportations are locally fixed, It is necessary to know exactly which transportation means are available with standard capacity, when and where specially when it comes to newer means such as scooters, etc, one needs to easily check the availabilities!
A study by the Arval Mobility Observatory (2020) shows that only 28% of French companies have a fleet equipped with on-board telematics (an IoT solution), compared to 33% in Europe.


To protect your vehicle, geolocation units can be used to trace the route of a stolen vehicle and to find it. A company like GeoRide offers a motorcycle tracker which, beyond protecting the vehicle, automatically warns the owner in the event of a fall.
The use of geolocation solutions is expected to raise by insurance companies.
For example, in the field of automobile insurance, some already abolish the theft deductible when the vehicle is equipped with a GPS tracker

3-Heavy industry
PROES helps you manufacturing plants and mines use geolocation as much to guard against theft or losses only to prevent employee accidents (landslide in a mine or accident in a factory)

In this sector, geolocation has been used for a long time, but PROES modern IoT solutions make it possible to recover more data than solely geolocation, and provided information by sensors. Our solution verifies the integrity of the shipment as well as verifying the environmental factors such as temperature, shock, humidity and in a word: ‘’optimize trips’’. It includes enhancing the last mile delivery, thanks to the applications of our asset tracking.

5-Public sector
Two public sectors are rapidly adopting geolocation: health and education. For hospitals, it is about having access to drugs, machines or consumables, promptly otherwise, an error can be fatal. For education, the objects to be monitored are mainly computer equipment (computers, projectors) or library books.

PROES asset tracking solution for hospitals prevents storage complications, which raise from lack of real-time updates from the quantity of drug availabilities in the stock. Our unique solution also saves hours, which are spent looking for lost equipment. Consequently PROES smart solution improves the work environment by resolving the issues which may cause stress, and tension of clinic staff and as a result will lead to better service for patient and save more lives. 

The technical challenges of asset tracking and that PROES RBCP overcomes.

1- Problem of white areas: forest, construction sites, secondary roads, underground parking, etc. From its place of production to its arrival in the store, a pallet carrying drills, for example, goes round alternately be inside a warehouse, in a truck, on an outdoor storage area. A reliable connection with a full coverage is required to ensure the proper functioning of asset tracking solutions. PROES RBCP improve the sensitivity of the RF receiver 12 dBm. A higher sensitivity leads to a higher quality RF link between your devices and control center.

2- Battery management:
As with any connected object, battery optimization is one of the major challenges. The solutions based on GPS tracking and cellular network connectivity are very energy consuming. However, PROES provide an innovative communication network which can transfer signals as far as 51km with 62% of lower energy than other competitors.